Antitrust Law
ABA Section of Antitrust Law
This site is maintained by the Antitrust Section of the American Bar Association and contains several beneficial links. This site will provide access to information on the Antitrust Section of the American Bar Association, sponsored events, publications, news, and links to other antitrust law sites.
Antitrust Case Summary Browser
This site provides access to U.S. Supreme Court case summaries dealing with violations of antitrust statutes. The cases are indexed alphabetically by area of the law, chronologically, and by product. This site also has links to the text of major antitrust statutes and the FindLaw search engine.
Antitrust Law & Economics Review
Antitrust Law & Economics review is a journal for both business professionals and those in the legal profession. This site gives an overview of antitrust law and provides access to selected articles from 1967-1995. In addition, there is information on how to subscribe to the printed version of this journal.
Antitrust Law Materials
This site provides general information about antitrust law. There are links to federal material, including statutes and decisions, as well as to other antitrust resources, such as Harvard’s Antitrust page and to useful other antitrust law resources.
Antitrust Policy
This site links to United States and International sites pertaining to antitrust policy and cases. In addition, this site will link you to Findlaw and the Cornell Legal Information Institute which have thorough antitrust site lists.
Antitrust Washington
Antitrust Washington is part of the Antitrust Section of the U.S. Attorney General’s Office and is responsible for enforcing Washington’s Unfair Business Practices-Consumer Protection Act. This site provides the user with access to selected pleadings from recent cases, federal and state antitrust statutes, basic antitrust information, and other antitrust related sites.
Competition Online
Competition Online is a business journal published in Ireland specializing in international antitrust law and the regulation of utilities. This site contains an extensive site list of antitrust and regulatory sites, links to agencies and courts all over the world, information on seminars , conferences and training courses, and news articles and information on how to subscribe to the printed version of Competition Online.
Robinson-Patman Act
This site claims to be the “most complete offering of Robinson-Patman Act” materials on the internet. In addition, this site provides information on price and service discrimination, and on issues and answers under the Sherman Act. This a very comprehensive site and there are detailed instructions on how to access the information on this site for the first time user.
US Code Title 15, Chapter 1
This site provides access to the text of Title 15, Chapter 1 of the U.S. Code on Monopolies and Combinations in Restraint of Trade. This site will bring you a Table of Contents for the code and the text of each section can be accessed by clicking on a link.
US Dept. of Justice Antitrust Division
This site provides an overview of the Antitrust Division of the US DOJ and online directory. In addition, this site provides access to press releases, guidelines, cases, briefs, international agreements, and international documents. This site is updated regularly.